Holos Academy Naturopathic Center


Dr. Steve J. Chiola

Naturopathic Physician Specialist in
- AromaScience & Aromaterapia Clinica
- Aromaterapia Emozionale

- Herbal Medicine
- Traditional Chinese Medicine
- Homeopathy & homotoxicology

Founder, CEO and Director of Education – Holos Academy & Holos Academy International

President of the Swiss Association of Clinical Aromatherapy

Lecturer at

  1. Clinica Luganese Moncucco (Lugano)
  2. Felix Platter Hospital (Basel)
  3. Geriatric nursing home clinics in Ticino

With decades of extensive teaching experience, he has consistently embraced an “integrated hands-on” approach in his courses, which include Clinical Aromatherapy, Emotional Aromatherapy, AromaScience, Phyto-aromatherapy, Energetic TCM, Clinical Herbal Medicine, and Communication Fundamentals.

He has carefully studied and refined the following manual techniques:

  • “Holos Human Touch Aromatic Technique®”
  • “Holos Hand Touch Aromatic Technique®”
  • “Aromatic® acupressure technique”
  • “Touch Balance & Touch of the Hand”

Eleonora Medici

Certified Yoga Teacher Trainer- World Yoga Alliance (1500 hrs)

Naturopath - Ayurvedic specialist

Floritherapy Specialist in Floriterapia

“During my holistic academic growth I have met many Masters and each of them has left me a gift, the one that best suits me when our paths have crossed.”

  • ERYT certified YOGA (1500 hours of refresher and training) by Yoga Alliance Italy Division and Yoga Alliance International
  • YOGA teacher certified ERTY (1550h) by the World Yoga Alliance
  • Registered in the National Register of Yoga Gymnastics Teachers CSEN
  • Three-year Diploma of Yoga Teacher (Institute of Human Sciences Rome)
  • Diploma of Yoga Teacher, enrolled in the register of the Anandamaya School of Savona
  • Certified yoga teacher
  • Yoga and Meditation Teacher Diploma (Ananda Ashram)
  • teacher of continuing education (CEAS) Yoga Alliance Italy Division
  • teacher of Training in Yoga Therapy for the World Yoga Alliance
  • Traditional Yoga and Meditation Teacher Training for the World Yoga Alliance
  • Three-year Naturopathic Diploma in Ayurveda (Florence-Pune)
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Flower Therapy (Milan, Riza Institute of Psychosomatic Medicine)
  • Registration in the R.I.F. register of Flower Therapy registered with the IAS

She has carefully studied and refined the:
YOGAROME TECHNIQUE – an added value during a Yoga class thanks to the use of pure and vibrant essential oils. 

Garbiele Gailli

Yoga Acharya

Expert Master: Yoga CSEN/CONI & Trainer of the CSEN national FCIY continuing education program
Italian Director of the International Yoga Federation IYF - 90,000 schools worldwide

I have been studying Yoga since the early 90s, from 1998 to 2004 I attended Yoga seminars with masters such as Swami Veda Bharati, Ashutosh Scharma, Rajo Gopalam, Victor Bishoff, Pandit Ananda. In the same year I received the grace of initiation (mantra diksa) in the tantric lineage Sri Vidya and in 2000 I finished the Course for yoga and meditation teachers at the Sadhaka Graham directed by Swami Veda Bharati, a direct student of Swami Rama, in Rotterdam under the supervision of Pandit Ananta, today Swami Ritavan.

In 2001, after the course held by Vaidya Baghawan Dash and Dr. Lalitesh Kashiap, I received the Certificate of Ayurvedic Therapist at the Italian Institute of Ayurveda in Florence directed by Vaidya Baghawan Dash.

My training leads me to travel again and meet other teachers and masters; in Honesdale (NY) Pandit Rajmani Tigunait and Sandra Anderson at the Himalayan Institute center, Swami Jnaneshwara and Doc. Ganecha in India at the Sadhana Mandir Ashram.

The path of Yoga never ends, in fact in 2007 thanks to Pandit Pawan Kumar Mishra I continued the study of the classical texts of the Sri Vidya tradition and Vedic astrology.

Madeleine Kerkhof

Clinical Aromatherapist
Aromatherapy Educator
Massage Therapis
AquaCare Specialist.

 Founder, CEO and Senior Educator of Kicozo, global Knowledge Institute for Integrative & Complementary (Nursing) Care.
Kicozo, the “Knowledge Institute for Integrative & Complementary (Nursing) Care”, is her passion and life’s work as a former nurse, now expert and educator in aromatherapy and other complementary and integrative holistic care modalities, supported by decades of accumulated expertise and skills, and infused by her heart and soul. 

A highly respected expert and world renowned educator  in Clinical Aromatherapy (AromaCare), AquaCare and other complementary therapies, specialised in the care for the frailest patients and elderly.

A member and advisor to the Dutch Nurses Society (NL), of the American Holistic Nurse Association, EAPC, EONS, NAHA (and approved educator), AIA (as board member and on the education committee), and many others.

She is also a Fellow of International Clinical Aromatherapy Network.

Madeleine is the author of many papers, including evidence based skin and wound care.
She is also the author of some highly acclaimed books:

  • “Complementary Nursing in End of Life Care” (2015);
  • “CO2 Extracts in Aromatherapy, 50+ Extracts for Clinical Applications” (2018);
  • “Clinical AromaCare – Aromatherapy in Health Care & Practice” (2023).


Madeleine is also the author of Dutch National Guidelines on Aromacare and Aquacare in Palliative and Cancer care (2023).